Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Finally, I post again!

I know, it's been forever since I've posted, I've just been so busy.

May 20, 2007

Mrs. Barrow, Zack and I went to the Craven's House (A Civil War Battle area in Tennessee) hoping for some Oporornis (Connecticut and Mourning to be specific) Warblers that had been reported the day before. We struck out on both of them. It was pretty slow up there, but the highlights were: Canada Warbler - 2

Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1

Worm-eating Warbler - 1

Hooded Warbler - 1

Undidentified Emdpidonax Flycatcher.

Clyde Blum (who was there and birding with us) happened to mention a Chuck-will's-widow nest at Chickamauga National Battlefield in Georgia. We immediately perked up our ears, as that would be a (LONG overdue) lifer for both me and Zack. Since there wasn't much else going on at the Craven's House, we headed straight for "the Battlefield". He found the nest with ease. There was a blue marker to mark where the nest was, but it took our eyes a while to adjust and find the extremely camaflauged bird.

Here are a couple pictures:

After we soaked up the bird for about 20 minutes, we went back to Zack's house. We picked up a few other good birds: Orchard Oriole - 3+ , Northern Bobwhite - 1 , Grasshopper Sparrow (!!!) - 1 .

The Grasshopper Sparrow

The Northern Bobwhite